Thursday, July 12, 2007

Yes, More Strange Food

Another strange food from Japan. "Shrimp Fries!" Or maybe "Shrimp Chips!" Sprinkled with savory Korean seaweed or so it says right on the package. These are actually very popular in Japan and can be had for a mere 137 yen or about a buck twenty. I had to take a photo of them with my cell phone when I was shopping at the super market yesterday. I wasn't about to buy them much less take them home with me. I have tried them before but I don't particularly like them enough to actually pay real money for them. So I tool a photo at the grocery store and got a few strange looks because of my behavior.



Unknown said...

You got strange looks as a Westerner taking photographs in Japan? Now that's ironic. (Or very fitting. Can't decide which.) ;-)

-CJ said...

I imagine I got strange looks not so much for taking a photo but for taking a photo of a snack food.